About Working Groups

Much of the day-to-day management of OpenStreetMap is handled by Working Groups. These are operated by volunteers motivated by a common theme. Many of the key services of OSM, like keeping the servers running, have traditionally been operated by specific Working Groups. These WGs are in principle accountable to the OpenStreetMap Foundation, but exercise high levels of autonomy.

The OSM Ireland Board recognises the value of the WG model and we believe that it can work well in Ireland too. Below, you will see the list of WGs that are currently proposed. If you see a WG topic where you think you have something to contribute, please step forward and take part. If you have a topic in mind where a WG may be appropriate, please let us know that too.

Want to take part? Contact the appropriate Facilitator via the links below!

Principles of Working Groups

  • Modelled on the example of OSMF WGs
  • Operated by their members
  • Each WG will usually have participation from one Board member to help in communication
  • Members need not be members of OSMI (but we would love them to consider joining)
  • Each WG should have a stated purpose and objective

Proposed Working Groups

Boundary Working Group (BWG)

Facilitator: Dermot McNally

The mapping of boundaries in OSM can be complex and the boundaries themselves can often be damaged by other edits. Even for simple boundary types, like those for counties and townlands, it can be hard to ensure consistent tagging norms, and this applies even more so to the more esoteric boundary types that many mappers maintain. 

The BWG invites participation from any mappers having an interest in the upkeep of healthy boundaries in OSM, particularly those mappers who map boundaries themselves. 

Charter (draft)

  • Provide a forum for discussing, agreeing and documenting good tagging norms for each type of boundary
  • Seek consensus on which boundary types belong in OSM and which might be better managed elsewhere (historical boundaries currently being a grey area)
  • Seek to monitor and repair any degradation of existing boundaries
  • Showcase use cases of boundary data in OSM

Quality Working Group (QWG)

Facilitator:Dermot McNally

To achieve a quality map, the OSM relies on the scale and power of the community, not just as original mappers, but also for improvements, corrections or updates to content originally mapped by other. Many mappers already engage in such quality enhancements and the QWG aims to provide a focus for such efforts and a way of generating extra value through collaboration. 

Charter (draft)

  • Provide a forum for discussion of quality-related OSM editing and the exchange of experience and ideas
  • Generate and maintain documentation to assist all mappers in applying quality mapping practises from the outset
  • Collaborate on tools to detect OSM content that can be improved (may involve e.g. sub-optimal tagging, geometry issues etc.)
  • To the extent that may be useful, undertake co-ordinated efforts to boost map quality in cases where lone quality efforts are unlikely or unfeasible
  • Showcase the benefits of “better” mapping practises

Technical Working Group (TWG)

Facilitator: Donal Hunt

Charter (draft)

  • Identify technical resources that will support the OSM Ireland community
  • Deploy and maintain technical resources for use by the OSM Ireland community
  • Contribute to and support the work of the OSMF Operations and Engineering working groups where feasible

Membership/Engagement/Sponsorship and Communications Working Group (MESC WG)

Facilitator: Heikki Vesanto

Charter (draft)

  • Review and update community website on a regular basis
  • Increase the awareness of OSM with other online communities
  • Ensure a sustained effort on existing social media channels
  • Conduct an annual membership drive in synchronicity with the membership requirements for voting at the AGM
  • Conduct an annual sponsorship campaign, to increase the funds available to OSM Ireland
  • Contribute to the relevant equivalent OSMF working groups as required
  • Engage with the Government bodies of the ROI and NI in regards to Open Data
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