OpenStreetMap (OSM) Ireland members will meet Saturday 23rd of April in Dublin and do OSM mappy stuff on laptops in TOG. Like an indoor mapping party / hack day / social meet up / barcamp.

If you’d like to learn more about OpenStreetMap, come along! Want to start mapping your local area, and want help? Come along! Want to find out how to use the low level OpenStreetMap data? Come along! This event is open to all.

If you’re already an OSM mapper and would like come, but not sure what to do, don’t worry we have loads of townlands to map and plenty of people who will give you a hand learning the details.

In addition there will also be a meeting of the Irish Open Source Geospatial Foundation, their first in person meeting. OSGeo was created to support the collaborative development of open source geospatial software, and promote its widespread use.

Where and When?
Tog Dublin Hackerspace
Saturday 23rd of April 2-5pm

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