On April 8th 2023, Jonny (jonnymccullagh) announced that he had validated the last tile of the Leitrim task. This is big news and a great achievement, because it rarely happens these days that a whole tasks is validated completely – usually we just archive them shortly after they have been mapped completely, because we often do not see enough contributions being made for the validation.

The Leitrim task had 9 mappers and 8 validators, which added up to 12 contributors in total. The top 5 mappers were b-unicycling, NoelB, Boggeddy, dónal and DeBigC, the top 5 validators were DeBigC, b-unicycling, eireidium, jonnymccullagh and NoelB. Many thanks to all who contributed!

Was it worth it?
Validators check for a number of issues like missing buildings, building shapes, building types etc. The usual objective is to reduce the tagging of building=yes
in favour of more precise building types. Lets compare the distribution of numbers at the point when the task was mapped and when it was validated.
building types | number 2022-10-031 | number 2023-04-102 | growth rate in % |
building | ~48,900 | 48,999 | 100.2 |
yes | ~22,100 | 20,660 | 93.5 |
house | ~14,200 | 12,971 | 91.3 |
terrace | 169 | 176 | 104.1 |
detached | 918 | 2.344 | 255.3 |
shed | ~1,100 | 2,011 | 182.8 |
garage | ~2,000 | 2,214 | 110.7 |
retail | 53 | 58 | 109.4 |
commercial | 28 | 38 | 135.7 |
industrial | 78 | 100 | 128.2 |
greenhouse | 361 | 383 | 106.1 |
farm_auxiliary | ~6,100 | 7,008 | 114.9 |
church | 64 | 63 | 98.4 |
school | 69 | 77 | 111.6 |
boathouse | 7 | 7 | 100 |
public | 3 | 3 | 100 |
hospital | 4 | 4 | 100 |
ruins | 854 | 882 | 103.3 |
If I did not forget a major building type, it looks like only ~99 buildings had to be added during the validation process which speaks for a good quality of mapping in the first round.
It can be assumed that some building=house
were retagged into building=detached
and that some building=yes
were retagged into sheds, garages and farm buildings and to a lesser extent commercial, industrial and ruins.
The main objective of finding missing buildings and reducing the number of building=yes
was thus achieved.
Other tasks for validators include checking that landuses aren’t glued to highways, but this is difficult to put into numbers, so we’ll trust that they did that.
A very big thank you to everyone who took the time to contribute.